
Type: Flake ice (chip type)
Temperature: - 0.5°C
Size: very small flake/chip

In common with all other types of flake ice, micro ice consists of irregular chips or flakes of ice. In the case of micro ice, these flakes are very small, making this the fastest cooling and gentlest of all the flake ice types.

Typical uses for micro ice are:

  • Mixer cooling for dough
  • Bowl chopper cooling for meat products
  • Rapid Immersion cooling systems
  • Icing delicate products such as herbs and prawns
  • Sample cooling in Laboratories
  macro flake ice in layer
Tiny flake size of approx. 5 x 2-7mm


micro flake ice closeup


The small flake with no sharp edges make micro ice the ideal ice for packing very delicate products such as herbs, fish fillets and whole prawns.


5mm thickness gives micro ice a very large surface area
The small size of the flake can be seen in this picture of the ice being held in a hand. This is why often micro ice is know as 'fine' or 'crushed' ice.   micro flake ice in hand
Micro ice in hand for scale
prawns packed with micro ice  

Micro ice is very searching. When packing a product such as prawns the ice is added to the top, the box is then shaken and the ice finds its way between the product and into every nook and cranny.

Other types of flake ice would just sit on the top, leaving the product below unprotected.

Prawns packed with micro ice

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd

Tel: 0844 8808055

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd
Unit 2, Phoenix Court, Hammond Avenue, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PQ
Tel:0844 8808055   Fax: 0161 480 7927   Email: ice@ziegra.co.uk

Specialists in...
Ice Production, Storage, Handling
and Dosing Systems